Chien-Wen Shen


  • Prof. Dr. Chien Wen-Shen

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Dr. Chien-wen Shen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration and the Division Director of the University Social Responsibility Office at the National Central University (NCU). He also serves as the Director of the Yunus Social Business Center and the Center for Media and Social Impact at NCU and the Executive Director of the Social Impact Institute of Taiwan. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences from Northwestern University. His research interests include big data analytics, information management, supply chain management, decision science, and social business.

TPQ dan Pendanaan Gotong Royong Sosial Media

TPQ dan Pendanaan Gotong Royong Sosial Media

Video TPQ Teupin Reudep: Mulanya TPQ Darul Ilmi adalah sebuah TPQ yang terletak di desa Teupin Reudep, peusangan Seulatan, kabupaten Bireun. TPQ ini didirikan pada tanggal 21 April 2011 oleh 3 orang mahasiswi desa Teupin...