Business Process Outsourcing or well known as BPO is a strategy used by companies to help them manage their business operation more efficient by chartering certain business process to external company. Most of the BPO related to payroll, accounting, electronic service, goods delivering, and so on. But, what about BPO for website management? is it necessary?
Component of Website Administration
Before determining that, we need to know what does it takes for individual or company/organization to own a website. There are two main category that need to be done in relation to Website Administration ;
- Website Development and Maintenance; usually done by computer programming expert and web developer
- Website Management and Engagement; usually done by mass media management and content creator
Ask the critical question:
- How complicated are these two task?
- Do we need to use BPO to handle these two task? and if we do, then
- How long does it takes to finish number one as well as number two?
- how much should we pay for it? and
- to what extend can we share the job-structure to external party?
These are five questions that we need to address in order decide whether we need BPO for website?
My Personal Experience
Since we are a team who manage website, to some extend we understand how website administration. We have several issue that we need to deal with and it required an extensive work, knowledge management, online social program design and so on. Here are some of the example of our workload when designing our website:
- Website design; there are a lot of things that need to consider when designing a website, from which CMS to use and why, to the theme of the website, website functions, customer target, and so on.
- Hosting and Domain Management; with hundreds of provider out there, buying hosting and domain can be a time consuming task. We need to consider the hosting speed, the price, customer service, and so on.
- website maintenance;
- Plugin Issue
- Content Management
- Visitor Engagement
- Online Social Program
- Website sustainability issue
These are several issues related to website management, which even a small mistake can result in devastating outcome if not dealt properly.
Based on our understanding, even though it might be a little more expensive than having an in house web administration, but the complexity of the work required an expert involvement. Therefore we recommend the website administration to be outsourced to third party who is more familiar with the work load.
[to be contine]
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